Kepada semua Ahli Geologi dan Pengamal Berdaftar,
Notis ini adalah makluman bahawa kesemua Sijil Pendaftaran bagi tahun 2024 akan tamat tempoh pada 31 Disember 2024 selaras dengan Seksyen 20, Akta Ahli Geologi 2008. Pembaharuan pendaftaran bagi tahun 2025 boleh dilakukan dengan membayar Fi Pembaharuan Pendaftaran, dikemukakan bersama Borang F dan Lampiran C (mata kredit CPD). Fi Pembaharuan Pendaftaran tersebut boleh dibayar bermula pada 15 November 2024 sehingga 31 Januari 2025. Bayaran boleh dibuat dalam bentuk tunai atau perbankan/CDM /draf bank/cek dibayar kepada
‘Lembaga Ahli Geologi’ Maybank. Nombor Akaun : 5640-5252-2670
Berkenaan mata CPD, semua ahli geologi perlulah mengumpul dan mengemukakan sebanyak 10 mata kredit CPD, melainkan individu yang berusia 60 tahun ke atas hanya perlu mengumpul 5 mata kredit CPD sahaja. Borang Penyerahan CPD kini boleh diakses melalui pautan berikut:
🔗 Borang Penyerahan CPD -
Bukti pembayaran hendaklah dikemukakan bersama Borang F (Borang Pembaharuan Pendaftaran) dan Lampiran C (Borang mata kredit CPD bersama bukti penyertaan/kehadiran), dihantar ke pejabat Lembaga Ahli Geologi Malaysia dengan sendiri atau melalui post/fax atau diemelkan kepada This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..Kegagalan mengemukakan dokumen-dokumen yang dinyatakan akan menyebabkan Pembaharuan Pendaftaran anda tidak dapat diproses. Subseksyen 35(2), Akta Ahli Geologi 2008 terpakai bagi individu-individu yang lewat memperbaharui Pendaftaran bagi tahun 2025.
To all Registered Geologists and Practitioners,
Notice is hereby given that all certificates of registration pursuant to Section 30, Geologists Act 2008 shall expire on 31st December 2024. Renewal of registration for the year 2025 can be done by completing and paying the Renewal Fee, submitted together with Form F and Appendix C (CPD Credit Points). Payment of such fees can be made beginning on, 15th November 2024 until 31st January 2025. Payment can be made in cash or by internet banking/CDM/bank draft/cheque made payable to
‘Lembaga Ahli Geologi’ Maybank Account No. 5640-5252-2670
Regarding CPD points, a total of 10 credit points is required for all geologists, except for individuals aged 60 and above which only need to collect a total of 5 CPD credit points only.
Proof of payment must be submitted together with Form F (application form for registration renewal) and Lampiran C (CPD credit points Form with proof of participation/attendance), send it to the office of the Board of Geologists in person or by post/fax or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Failure to submit the required documents will result in your renewal not being able to be processed. Subsection 35(2) Geologists Act 2008 applies in the case of late renewal for the year 2025.